Thursday, September 24, 2009

A Big Gulp of Salt Water

Moving from the midwest to Southern California takes a little bit of adjustment. If any of you are planning to move here, there are ways to prepare yourself for the change.

1. Get your teeth whitened. Fake white has become the new normal here, especially if you're over 50. It's the white picket fence around the possibility that someone will believe you when you say in your profile that looks don't matter.

2. For the first month or so, wear a hat in the house, especially if you lived in a house without a sliding patio door. After hitting my head twice going after the dog, I finally figured out to do everything with my arms out.

3. Learn how to do at least one thing in water.

4. When you go to the beach, if you wear jeans and tennis shoes and a big wave washes toward you, the bottom of your pants will get soaked and everyone will know you're a transplant.

5. Cat is pronounced caht here.

6. Dogs are welcome everywhere and can really be conversation starters. If you don't have one, borrow one. The weirder looking the better.

7. If you live in an apartment, get used to the fact that someone is always working on the trees or the grass or the bushes. The sound of power is one you'll have to learn to ignore. Before you move here, sleep for a week to the sound of a dentist drill and you'll adapt much more easily.

8. Before you move here, get rid of your black car. It has to be white unless all the windows are tinted so dark that nobody can see you.

Chew on these for awhile and I'll have another set soon. All in all, it's been a great move on my part but I'm still virgin. If a haiku, I'd be about the third syllable. Or should I say:

My life as haiku
Three moves into the journey
Of seventeen parts

So much to learn...


  1. Hell, I haven't had this much fun since I was rippin' up linoleum on Christmas Day (at your house)!


    an old friend

    1. Hey! I remember that and thanks for the help. Still making music I hope?

  2. Hello Foyne,
    My name is Bob Steffen. You might remember me from the 38th Street School days.
    I am now retired and working part time at the Milwaukee Public Museum. Curiously enough, I am working with Tom Kraft who also has a retirement job at MPM.
    We were reminiscing about the "old days", and your name came up. Tom gave you a quick "google" and came up with this.
    I can only assume that you are as acclimated as a transplant to SoCal can ever be..As a long time resident of the Metro L.A. area I can say with absolute certainty that the only thing to be taken seriously there is the abundance of avocado.
    Be well.

    1. That's so true. Wow, you guys have great memories and yep, I too remember those 38h St. days.thanks for taking time to comment. Ck out -might like it.

  3. Ive moved back and forth between the midwest and CA and found this post utterly useless.
